Consider this a (hopefully short) spell of regurgitated music info while I give myself a bit of a mental break.
Reading through Unlikely Words‘ new postings just a few moments ago revealed that Blake Schawrzenbach’s newest project, Thorns of Life, is now defunct. Enter “forgetters” a new trio by Blake.
As the Internet is no stranger to rumors (um… dur), there’s been info flying this way and that about all the rumors. The folks who broke the Thorns break up, City Sound Inertia, report any number of things, including the identity of the drummer named “kevin” to be Kevin Mahon, formerly of Against Me!, that there were fights during the recording session for the aborted Thorns of Life album, etc etc.
As all the info circulating can literally change at any moment as it travels from second and third parties, I’m just going to let Blake’s Facebook status do the reporting on this one (and Aaron at Unlikely Words as he’s been so on point about getting the info on Thorns out to the public). Such as the following reply to his Facebook status:
And apparently they’ve got a mix of Thorns songs and new forgetters songs to boot. And Blake is into doing work with bands. And he likes fish tacos.
Ok, the last thing I made up, but it still is mind boggling how close everyone pays attention to 140 characters of what is normally used for personal info (Facebook moreso than Twitter) for breaking news. But, where there’s a will, there’s a way.
Thorns of Life – “Kryptonite” (Live at 924 Gilman Street):