“Here It Goes Again,” you say? Not quite:
[youtubevid id=”u3cCURh8kxI&NR=1″]
OK Go is back with a brand-spakin’ new album, Of the Blue Colour of the Sky, and the band has kicked their record release off in style once again. As one of the entities that cemented the “viral video” phenomenon, OK Go does have a bit to worry about. In terms of Internet years, OK Go’s YouTube-spawned super-hit album, Oh No, is as ancient as that “we like the moon” video. The band will need something tremendous to gain back the attention of those individuals who were attracted to the group because of its gimmickry. (But does the band even want those fans back?)
Fortunately, rather than falling back on the tried-and-true method of making another dance video, OK Go mixes it up and presents a video with the Notre Dame marching band for the song “This Too Shall Pass.” And it’s as fun and quirky as any of OK Go’s previous videos:
[youtubevid id=”UJKythlXAIY&feature=channel”]
Will the video be as popular as the group’s escapade on four treadmills? Probably not. It seems that Capitol Records, OK Go’s label, doesn’t quite seem to get the viral video thing. Rather than letting anyone post and watch the video on any blog, people will have to re-direct themselves back to the YouTube page for the song. (Sorry folks. Blame the man, not I.)
If anything, this presents the case of a band that knows how to create a future for itself using technology, and the big industry interested in said band because of its technological success, but failing to understand it all.
This too shall pass.
Tweets that mention OK Go wants YouTube back - Leor Galil - Ex-Spectator - True/Slant -- Topsy.com
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tweets Tube, Leor Galil. Leor Galil said: OK Go wants YouTube back http://tinyurl.com/ydf28gf @trueslant […]
Sadly, I find embed-blocks for music videos signed to major labels to be the rule, not the norm. If it’s a video distributed for free online, why can’t record companies play nice and let the viral video actually go viral on blogs, not just its own sites, YouTube, Vimeo, etc. So when I actually discovered I could embed Lady Gaga’s new video for “Bad Romance” on a blog post some weeks back, I was shocked. Somebody gets it.
At either rate, this is a sweet video from a sweet song from a sweet band’s sweetest album.
OK Go were right: ‘This Too’ did pass, new video embed-able - Leor Galil - Ex-Spectator - True/Slant
[…] I knew OK Go cemented their names in the viral video history books when one of my professors said their video for “Here It Goes Again” was one of the big events in YouTube history. So, when their original video for “This Too Shall Pass” was blocked from blog embeds, I …. […]