Tor, one of the musicians who topped my “Best Free Albums of 2009” list and one brilliant mash-up artist, is at it once again.
Eight hours ago, Tor dropped a new mash-up. Instead of another re-mixing of Sufjan Stevens, Tor tossed wordmaster Q-Tip onto some fine violin-work by Final Fantasy, otherwise known as Owen Pallett.
Titled “The CN Tower Can Work It Out,” Tor manages to highlight the funky nature of Q-Tip’s “Work It Out” while supplementing his flow with the beauty and charm of the Final Fantasy tune “The CN Tower Belongs To The Dead.” Simply put, it’s a solid jam. The Hood Internet aught to be afraid – there’s new competition in the indie-meets-hip-hop mash-up game.
You can grab the track (as an MP3 or FLAC) here, and listen to it below while you wait for it to download.
[youtubevid id=”9gfNipUdlSU”]
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[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Tweets Tube, Leor Galil. Leor Galil said: Tor Mashes-Up Q-Tip & Final Fantasy, @torsmusic @trueslant […]
I’m not a huge Sufjan Stevens fan, but I fell in love with the Illinoize remix when a friend talked me into giving it a shot. I subscribed to the YouTube channel and I just learned of this new mash-up this morning in my weekly subscriptions update. I immediately loved it and a search of “final fantasy q tip” brought me here (I wanted to find out who this Final Fantasy was). Anyway, I’d never heard of Tor before all of this, but I love what he’s doing. Thank you for an interesting and informative article. *wanders off to look into this “hoointernet” business*