For folks who love witty t-shirts, Threadless is usually the place to go. But their new emo + emu design that’s up for potential shirt-printing is… well… barking up the same tree. I mean, I couldn’t tell you how long this thing has been circulating on the net…
But, the emu seems to be the go-to animal when entering “emo” into the “cultural concept + similar sounding animal + funny idea liking both” equation… plus, that picture was used in one of the emo-cult TV reports warning parents of the danger of emo… but, it’s hard to say what parents could possibly be afraid of from that picture… that their kids want to turn themselves into large, depressed birds?
I’ll be interested to see what happens if this image does indeed get selected for circulation among the masses as clothing, simply because Bob Nanna writes short jingles about most Threadless shirts. Bob Nanna might best be known for fronting the mid-90s, Mid-Western emo outfit Braid, among a host of other emo acts. You’d have to wonder how the irony of the situation might be reflected in the ditty Nanna would potentially write… or maybe it wouldn’t at all, it’s hard to say. Either way, check out some of Nanna’s Threadless tunes, they’re short, sweet and catchy. Look out Stephin Merritt, you’re not the only one who can truck out short, simple, and solid songs by the truckload!
Braid – “The New Nathan Detroits” (video):