Happy 2010! It’s time to start off the new year with something new… Or, in this case, something old turned new. Rolling Stone has the details on the Soundgarden reunion:
Soundgarden fans woke up to incredible news this New Year’s morning: the band, which split in 1997, is officially reuniting.
And that’s about all the information available.
This might be the most amount of press Chris Cornell has ever received for a handful of words since Soundgarden’s split in ’97. Considering the washed-down alt-rock of Audioslave and Cornell’s pitiful solo work, there’s probably good reason the following tweet has people in stitches:
The 12 year break is over & school is back in session. Sign up now. Knights of the Soundtable ride again!
Yep. They’re back.
No information on the band’s reunion is available yet, but you can sign up to get all the updates on the new Soundgarden website.
Chances are, you can probably count on Soundgarden headlining a night at Lollapalooza. And with the off chance that Pavement may also headline one night, what fantastic ’90s alt-rock band will reunite next to potentially claim that third night headlining spot?! This is all hearsay of course, but a band like Soundgarden is basically guaranteed to play whatever they want whenever they want.
For fans who just can’t possibly wait until the band announces tour dates, here is footage of Soundgarden sans Cornell, Tom Morello and Tad performing Spoonman last year. Enjoy:
[youtubevid id=”cchMa9zMhzk”]
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Ethan Epstein
This is excellent news.