The Cap'n Jazz reunion set
“Reunion” is a tricky word. It implies a reunification after a long period apart, a return to old ways, a plan. Perhaps that would explain the begrudging look on Tim Kinsella’s face during the Cap’n Jazz set at The Empty Bottle Friday night. His facial expression had nothing to do with his position onstage, singing … [Read more…]
An Awkward Conversation With Mike Kinsella About Cap'n Jazz Rumors
Setting: Lincoln Hall, Chicago. About 10:30ish, 15 minutes or so into Headlights‘ set, about a half hour after Maritime‘s performance. Mike Kinsella and his friend (who I unfortunately did not get the name of) sitting at the southern end of the bar. I pop up before I leave the show… Me: Hey, it was really … [Read more…]
Rumored Cap'n Jazz and Owls Reunions
Indie Rock Reviews have posted information regarding a rumor that beloved Chicago emo acts Cap’n Jazz and Owls may reunite. Take a look [Thanks Ori Nevo for the tip]: With Pavement’s reunion plans all but finalized, it was only a matter of time before other defunct acts added their name to the list. The latest: … [Read more…]
GWAR at House of Blues, December 7
Metal never really gets the credit it deserves. Behind the seemingly impenetrable wall of sound – that rush of gruff vocals, ear-shattering drumming, whiplash-inducing guitar work and pounding bass – rests something irresistible. The aural atmospheres seem to plug into a part of the brain that releases visceral, animal like urges that are then burnt … [Read more…]
Pricey Pixies Tickets, or Can Critics Complain About Concert Costs?
It’s been well over a week since Jim DeRogatis reviewed the first night of The Pixies’ three-night Doolittle retrospective at Chicago’s Aragon Ballroom. DeRogatis caused quite a stir among Pixies fans with statements like: …it’s hard to consider them anything but a cynical corporation cashing in on blatant nostalgia–a hipper version of Creedence Clearwater Revisited … [Read more…]
Kuma's Secretly Hearts Emo
I’d heard of Kuma’s Corner for months and have craved their metal-themed hamburgers and pretzel buns for many a month I’ve lived in Chicago. Tonight, I set out for the famous metal bar and was able to snatch a spot before the looming crowd grew larger than the small room had space for. And I … [Read more…]
Late Night Jamz: BFF – "Ham Dance"
Late Night Jamz is an ongoing feature dedicated to newly discovered tracks that are sure to get stuck in your head. Uncovered in the wee hours of the evening just before bed after a long day of work or play, these are the gems that make the adventures in finding music so enjoyable. Tonight’s track … [Read more…]
El Ten Eleven at Schubas, November 8
How things work seems to be a consistent obsession for people; it’s one of the many strains of curiosity that folks can’t seem to shake as they age. There’s something so fascinating about the complexity of the gears in a grandfather clock or how cops solve crimes from the tiniest details. (The later would explain … [Read more…]
Tis Brutal
Found this little clip in a Red Eye review of the Jack Black-themed/curated video game Brutal Legend: Hmm… Is it simply appropriate to say “no comment” at any point? ‘Cause when a description like “rap-metal-emo” pops up, it’s so blandly all-inclusive that it renders all terms rather useless. (I tend to overindulge in genre-name-dropping, but … [Read more…]